On May 31, 2017, Eccleston & Wolf attorney Richard Berwanger, along with insurance representatives, gave a presentation to several members of the Frederick County Bar regarding ethical issues that attorneys frequently encounter in their daily practice. The topics addressed during the presentation included conflicts of interest, scams directed to attorneys, scope of representation, and defensive practice pointers.

On June 8, 2017, again in conjunction with insurance representatives, Mr. Berwanger gave a similar presentation to members of the Harford County Bar.

Attorneys at Eccleston and Wolf regularly participate in speaking engagements and are frequently requested by individuals and groups, including insurers and professional and trade associations, for speaking engagements on a wide array of legal topics. Additionally, the firm participates in and conducts both public and private seminars discussing developing areas of the law and assisting in loss prevention. See Speaking Engagements. If you would like further information or wish to retain the firm, please contact us.