Accountant Malpractice Defense

Eccleston & Wolf, P.C. has extensive experience representing accountants in malpractice claims. Most often, accountant malpractice claims arise as a result of:

  • audit, 
  • review, 
  • compilation, 
  • tax 
  • and consulting engagements.  


Our team has experience representing accountants both at the trial and appellate levels. 

In addition to Accountant Malpractice Defense, the firm regularly counsels and advises accountants with respect to privilege and other issues in loss prevention matters in which the accountant is not a party. This includes, for example, cases where the accountant is subpoenaed to testify at deposition or grand jury proceedings or when there is a demand that the accountant produces client or firm documents.

Several members of the Firm have given lectures before various groups of accountants, such as continuing professional education seminars sponsored by the MACPA or other groups in loss prevention seminars sponsored by insurance companies.

Accountant Malpractice attorney working on his laptop on a case

Contact Us About Accountant Malpractice Defense

If you would like further information or wish to retain the firm, please contact Stephen Cornelius (Click Here for a direct link via email).